Today : 2009

In Depth Islam: Have you ever thought why you feel high and low?

Read the book ' The Expansion (Al Bast) and Constriction (Al Qabz) of the Heart' Here


The Expansion (Al Bast) and Constriction (Al Qabz) of Imaan


The words of advice shared here, are the jewels and priceless teachings of the great Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh, not of mine. For the almighty has destined to inspire the men of Allaah with wisdom, and guidance. So cling, o wayfarer to Allaah, cling on to them wherever you find them, stay in their company as much as you can, as they are the sea of knowledge and guidance for you. Sit at their feet. Be at their assistance, for the greatest has said in his infinite words; those who used to love each other only for the pleasure of the almighty will be together on the day of questioning when no other relationship or friendship will be of any use.


The qualities of the real friend of Allaah, the heirs of the beloved, the scholars.

If a seeker of truth wishes to study under a teacher, he should first consider the following factors in the Shaykh, as many fraudulent men seek to hold such stations. If the latter does not possess these qualities, do not become his student.

  1. The shaykh must know the rulings of the scared law shariyah and Sunnah. He should not ignorant of the shariyah.
  2. He must not possess any quality that is contrary to the shariyah and the prophetic Sunnah. His Aqaa’id (beliefs) must be the same as those that have been mentioned by the beloved and the scholars of the Ahle’sunnah’wal’jamma. He must not possess any quality that is contrary to all rulings of the scared law and all those things connected to reformation of the heart that have been mentioned namely jealousy, hatred for another Muslim etc.  
  3. He should not be making the field of tazkiyah and tarbiyah (spiritual training) as a means of his worldly earnings carrying out the programme of study as a means of sustenance. (That is, he must not be doing it for financial gain).
  4. He must be one who is extinct in the love of Allaah and his beloved messenger, not just by words but also by practice, dressing, and Ak’laaq (the characteristics).
  5. He must give superiority to Allaah, the exalted and his commands over his self, Satan, family, people and everyone outwardly and inwardly.
  6. He must give superiority to the messenger of Allaah and his way of life over all other leader and ways of life both inwardly and externally, thus becomes coloured in the colour of Sunnah (way of the prophet).
  7. He must fulfil the rights of creation by having compassion on them in worldly matters and in the matters of hereafter by facilitating the path of Allaah, the Glorious.
  8. In short, he should be a walking and talking Qu’ran and Sunnah.
  9. He must have travelled the path, to the closeness and pleasure of Allaah himself and must be aware of the whole path, process, prerequisites, principle, obstacles, states and stations of ihsaan and the methodology to instruct people at different levels from beginners to the advance seekers.    


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