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Islam: Global Message - your sourse for Islam.

"And he who obeys Allah and the Prophet, he will be with those whom Allah has favoured- The Prophet's, The Sidiqeen (Truthful people) The Shuhadaa (Martyrs) and The Saliheen (Pious people) And what Good companions they are" (Surahe An Nisa verse 69)

Throughout these modern times, It is important that all Muslims follow the correct path as revealed in the Quraan Sharif, by the beloved prophet and his blessed companions. This is because there are many sects today, which assert that they are true Muslims who are followers of the Ahl as Sunnah wal Jamaat, yet their actions and beliefs do not support their views, .

Islam: Global Message is exerting all its efforts into preservation of these pure teachings of traditional Muslims for generations to come InshALLAH Ta'ala inherited from he blessed sahaba, Ahle bayt taba, tabieen, and blessed Awliya from various tariqah's we love and respect all four schools of thought and respect their differences primarily because it is a form of mercy for the ummah.

As millions log into to seek the truth about islam from the vast array of sources available at a click of a button from Islam: Global Message and its pure message that we bring forth from our pious predecessors from 1400 years to present day upholding the message of love and tolerance, we have vowed to speak the truth as ordered by our beloved prophet and bring those that have been misguided back to the path of truth; We have various highly respected ulema addressing issues daily.

Our aim is to spread the Love of Allah and His beloved far and wide, and with this comes the love of the sahaba and the Ahle bayt, You will find that sects within Islam are defectors and enemies of either, Ahle bayt or sahaba or awliya Alhamdulilah We love and adhere to all which make us unique and the people that fit the description of the firqat an najjiya!!

We recognize ignorance as the greatest weapon of the dark forces working in the world and believe that the light of true knowledge is the only weapon to dispel that darkness. This is our struggle, and our efforts are directed at spreading the light and wisdom of prophetic truths everywhere and to all peoples. Our aim is to teach the tools individuals need in order to live, lives of guidance and adherence to sacred order and to restore broad-based pluralistic and true scholarship to its proper place as a first priority of Muslims.

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani says in 'ghunniya tut talibeen'

'There are 73 groups as foretold by the holy prophet The group which will be saved from the fire of hell is the Ahle sunnah wal jamaah'

Imam Rabbani Mujadid Alf Thani states in his maktoobat:

'The way of salvation is to adhere to the Ahle Sunnah wal jamaah in their speech, in their actions and laws, for this is the successful group. Besides this, all other groups have become victims of deception. Today, nobody realises how much these misled groups will be punished. However, on the day of judgement, this secret will become apparent, even though at that time this knowledge will be of no benefit to the deluded, It is complusary for the wise people to amend their beliefs to be in accordance with the beliefs of the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaah because this is the group that will be saved.

Our Aqaid are formed from either Ash'ariyah or Maturidi; in Fiqh law we are either Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki or from Hanbali school; In tassawuf we are Muhammadi the followers of the Tareeqah Muhammadiyah.

Islam: Global Message Team

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Islam: Global Message Team