Today : 2007

Hadith Section of Islam: Global Message

The Hadith, in Islam, is second in authority only to the Qur'an. The Hadith is a record of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him)'s life, actions, and deeds. A saying in the Hadith is called a sunnah. These sunnah were transmitted by word of mouth down through the centuries having been memorized by subsequent Muslims. 

The Hadith fall into two categories, "Hadith qudsi (sacred Hadith) in which God Himself is speaking in, as it were, a complementary revelation through the Prophet, and hadith sharif (noble Hadith), the Holy Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him)'s own acts and utterances."

The Hadith are important because they elucidate many areas not very clear in the Qur'an.

Alhumdullilah we have been able to provide these Hadiths to you in electronic format. Please feel free to look them over and take whatever you need.